670.50AllBattles 64.45%Average Winrate 959.50Avg Dmg 4.47Avg Tier
About ClanMinimum win rate 52% no toxic with clan members or others players relax and chill and enjoy

Name Avg Tier WN8 WN7 Battles WinRate% Platoon Rate % Survival % Kills/Death Dmg rate Hit Rate % Kills/Battle Avg XP Avg Dmg Avg Spot
Name Avg Tier WN8 WN7 Battles WinRate% Platoon Rate % Survival % Kills/Death Dmg rate Hit Rate % Kills/Battle Avg XP Avg Dmg Avg Spot
DenDenMushi_Kaccha @DenDenMushi_Kaccha 3.43 4162.21 1884.55 81 69.14 0.00 54.32 3.11 2.16 82.06 1.42 686 793 1.83
Brotherhood_war @Brotherhood_war 5.50 2351.85 1651.64 1260 59.76 5.58 42.14 1.91 1.54 83.07 1.11 782 1126 1.25
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