n/aAllBattles n/a%Average Winrate n/aAvg Dmg n/aAvg Tier
About Clanso a fully researched at-8 and a stock amx 13 75 walk into a bar, right? the amx drives up to the at-8 and says "my engine is so slow" and the at-8 says "tell me about it"

Name Avg Tier WN8 WN7 Battles WinRate% Platoon Rate % Survival % Kills/Death Dmg rate Hit Rate % Kills/Battle Avg XP Avg Dmg Avg Spot
Name Avg Tier WN8 WN7 Battles WinRate% Platoon Rate % Survival % Kills/Death Dmg rate Hit Rate % Kills/Battle Avg XP Avg Dmg Avg Spot
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