Falcons  -  メンバー: 25  平均勝率: 59%
クランID FOW Aboutクラン Hello Commanders, We are Falcons!
Falcons or Falcons Of Wars [FOW] is a clan on WoT Blitz Asia that found on 22nd August 2015.

Our motto are Fast, Aggresive & Accurate.
We love the way falcons hunting their prey. They are so fast, aggresive, and accurate to their target. Their skills are inspiring us to be a falcon on battlefield/war.

FOW members (now) from four continents, Asian, African, European, and Oceanian.
There are members (now) from many countries, Egypt, Indonesia, Japan, Singapore, Korea, Belgium, Philippines, Russia, Vietnam, Australia, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Thailand, China, and New Zealand. We are becoming one on this clan, no matter our continent, our country, our religion, and our culture.
クラン名 Falcons
クランマスター Egyptian_falcon
クランHP http://falconsofwar.wix.com/falcons
主言語 English

NO. 名前 平均Tier WN8 WN7 戦数 勝率 小隊勝率 生還率 撃破比 ダメ比 命中率 平均撃破 平均EXP 平均ダメ 平均スポ M数
NO. 名前 平均Tier WN8 WN7 戦数 勝率 小隊勝率 生還率 撃破比 ダメ比 命中率 平均撃破 平均EXP 平均ダメ 平均スポ M数
1 Ichinose_Mio 7.80 3206.05 2278.87 5884 71.70 1.26 63.21 4.10 2.41 80.40 1.51 1174 2407 1.74 84
2 yatokami29 6.63 3027.38 1978.04 34111 65.69 0.54 54.62 3.12 2.11 81.62 1.42 729 1571 1.60 80
3 RudolfVonRibbentrop 5.68 2910.42 1990.75 5910 65.60 65.31 48.51 2.68 1.83 73.76 1.38 647 1196 1.98 28
4 JZkim 6.75 2906.67 1968.20 51325 64.96 2.18 47.85 2.52 1.89 81.04 1.32 890 1648 1.48 241
5 Jack_D_B 6.62 2785.28 1881.54 15968 64.56 19.95 49.82 2.48 1.81 84.38 1.24 749 1489 1.41 75
6 zuihanhohei_ 6.23 2986.00 2058.58 23465 64.50 7.74 53.32 3.02 2.01 75.86 1.41 723 1403 1.49 144
7 ashibr 6.91 2616.14 1807.77 35728 63.32 26.21 47.51 2.31 1.73 79.09 1.21 683 1521 1.45 195
8 Richard_Mok 6.88 2775.69 1998.56 27776 62.74 16.25 54.05 3.02 1.91 82.01 1.39 737 1628 1.24 131
9 ddolddole 7.74 2537.30 1770.86 5136 62.23 3.10 53.47 2.92 2.02 78.04 1.36 733 1906 0.88 28
10 Ecube 6.46 2372.50 1622.49 61326 60.64 3.96 42.43 1.85 1.46 80.22 1.06 574 1262 1.44 87
11 dino8ielts 6.39 2439.14 1826.09 19492 60.19 4.28 48.56 2.44 1.70 79.42 1.25 557 1368 0.92 58
12 xiaoxiaoxiaoniao 8.62 2127.40 1507.31 42189 60.10 3.05 46.20 2.00 1.34 81.58 1.07 698 1809 1.25 64
13 Egyptian_falcon 8.09 2078.35 1614.75 36235 58.74 11.40 47.02 2.04 1.55 80.92 1.08 837 2000 0.99 9
14 saocon 7.62 1827.53 1536.91 32545 57.94 9.88 43.36 1.93 1.44 76.30 1.09 636 1487 1.22 27
15 Havoc6 7.13 2090.54 1573.48 51912 57.84 1.45 36.67 1.61 1.38 74.67 1.02 686 1435 1.59 82
16 captain_adamss 8.05 2134.67 1484.08 30318 57.12 2.71 43.29 1.87 1.47 83.01 1.06 773 1717 0.90 107
17 valk009 7.60 2000.86 1498.16 87006 56.64 1.14 37.16 1.62 1.42 83.41 1.02 765 1570 1.28 150
18 BenJL 6.48 2026.93 1468.24 10839 56.48 13.84 31.60 1.23 1.43 77.88 0.84 698 1264 1.74 19
19 colcj 6.90 1973.35 1636.22 22659 56.25 23.43 49.80 2.31 1.61 73.16 1.16 558 1289 0.93 37
20 MikeWong5553 6.66 1676.72 1336.12 12863 56.12 34.05 35.43 1.29 1.16 78.96 0.83 586 1067 1.42 29
21 bangphuongnguyen 8.63 1972.27 1457.62 48578 55.75 29.68 42.64 1.89 1.37 84.65 1.09 694 1733 1.18 47
22 BCS_X_PSS 6.86 2025.11 1498.29 1913 55.67 15.12 39.15 1.52 1.24 81.66 0.93 618 1210 1.48 8
23 DeeZ0 7.77 1867.24 1406.18 35101 55.01 4.54 40.74 1.63 1.32 80.75 0.96 777 1623 0.93 59
24 IA_Loster 6.91 1295.09 1238.78 5300 53.42 0.11 40.77 1.49 1.09 73.31 0.88 562 1035 0.87 3
25 CarryAllBefore 5.55 924.35 578.62 1914 42.89 0.00 22.36 0.52 0.61 65.67 0.40 315 506 0.75 1

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