2,407.00総戦闘数 47.74%平均勝率 819.00平均ダメ 6.36平均Tier
Aboutクラン"Welcome to the Tank Corps, recruits! I am your commander, and I'm honored to have the opportunity to lead you into battle. As a member of the Tank Corps, you will face challenges and obstacles unlike any you have faced before. You will have to be brave, resourceful, and adaptable to survive on the battlefield. But do not be afraid, for you have the best training and equipment in the world. Your tanks are the most advanced and powerful vehicles on the battlefield, and your fellow soldiers are some of the bravest and most skilled fighters in the world. Together, we will face any challenge that comes our way. We are a team, and we will support and rely on each other in everything we do. We will not let our country down, and we will not let each other down. We are here to fight, and we will do so with honor and dignity. Remember, you are the tip of the spear. You are the first ones into battle, and you are the

名前 平均Tier WN8 WN7 戦数 勝率 小隊勝率 生還率 撃破比 ダメ比 命中率 平均撃破 平均EXP 平均ダメ 平均スポ
名前 平均Tier WN8 WN7 戦数 勝率 小隊勝率 生還率 撃破比 ダメ比 命中率 平均撃破 平均EXP 平均ダメ 平均スポ
DzKaizer 6.36 1334.77 949.78 2407 47.74 22.11 32.03 1.00 0.82 75.74 0.68 515 819 1.02
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