General Head Quarters  -  メンバー: 36  平均勝率: 57%
クランID GHQ Aboutクラン Welcome to clan GHQ.

You will play fun&nice battles if you join GHQ.

1. Nice, good mannered, outstanding player.
2. Having tier 10.
Details of tier 10 - Average damage >2500
- Battles >200
3. Total Winrate >57%
4. Total Battles >3000
5. Battles per day >10
6. 16 years old over players

/Clan Master/


/Vice Clan Master/







If you really want to join GHQ, please asking us by the clan homepage.
We will consider it if you not satisfied with our recruitment.
Good Luck.
クラン名 General Head Quarters
クランマスター IIsoraII
クランHP Http://
主言語 English

NO. 名前 平均Tier WN8 WN7 戦数 勝率 小隊勝率 生還率 撃破比 ダメ比 命中率 平均撃破 平均EXP 平均ダメ 平均スポ M数
NO. 名前 平均Tier WN8 WN7 戦数 勝率 小隊勝率 生還率 撃破比 ダメ比 命中率 平均撃破 平均EXP 平均ダメ 平均スポ M数
1 dudqls990625 7.56 2773.52 1901.18 18288 65.63 22.55 49.36 2.44 1.76 81.10 1.24 737 1804 1.61 109
2 Degha_Fraidil_Akbar 8.30 2485.25 1691.15 14101 63.16 3.25 50.90 2.20 1.68 84.82 1.08 916 2071 1.51 55
3 GHQ_GirlsGeneration 7.10 2932.26 1867.91 502 62.95 18.04 52.99 2.58 2.09 84.35 1.21 900 1731 1.20 6
4 HobbsBoi 8.56 2633.76 1759.88 14249 62.17 3.50 52.05 2.47 1.89 82.69 1.18 882 2357 1.07 71
5 GHQ_MongSil 6.36 2111.75 1583.60 644 61.49 43.43 50.00 2.34 1.52 80.53 1.17 740 1197 1.02 1
6 GHQ_Funf 7.84 2257.73 1694.60 7982 60.70 26.15 42.62 1.97 1.65 82.18 1.13 719 1652 1.20 18
7 _nickname159260_ 8.82 2513.31 1688.02 7165 60.59 0.16 41.61 1.94 1.55 82.31 1.13 1176 2312 1.52 59
8 Pretzel_toy 7.62 2690.70 1875.70 8650 60.27 7.85 47.29 2.44 1.81 81.91 1.29 729 1768 1.12 29
9 double_standards 7.69 2046.77 1598.49 78 60.26 0.00 47.44 2.24 1.61 84.36 1.18 946 1712 1.28 0
10 GHQ_MAMA 7.13 2578.56 1824.03 8674 59.61 1.62 39.00 1.77 1.42 80.16 1.08 766 1624 1.74 44
11 MongSil0801 5.68 2004.99 1474.60 560 59.46 61.26 43.57 1.74 1.42 77.57 0.98 484 1003 0.98 3
12 IIsoraII 8.79 2442.95 1768.98 20666 59.13 35.73 45.33 2.33 1.66 84.48 1.27 973 2174 1.33 44
13 MapleSyrupp_ 8.53 2319.68 1617.26 42195 58.46 8.75 39.15 1.72 1.46 84.71 1.05 880 1981 1.61 84
14 GHQ_untiLweBleed 7.71 2164.89 1725.22 10878 58.23 23.76 39.88 1.86 1.55 81.53 1.12 847 1667 1.38 42
15 as4579123 8.12 2015.40 1525.57 23910 57.93 4.38 41.25 1.65 1.44 79.11 0.97 829 1946 1.18 85
16 GHQ_Drei 7.87 2360.61 1689.05 10407 57.78 37.24 40.08 1.88 1.44 82.17 1.13 859 1693 1.16 29
17 GHQ_Angel 7.56 2163.52 1540.05 18064 57.25 18.72 40.47 1.65 1.36 83.01 0.98 772 1578 1.29 38
18 Ren_luckyboy 7.72 2135.52 1624.06 12567 57.21 8.15 45.87 2.03 1.55 76.72 1.10 672 1620 1.28 29
19 iS2kill_you 7.51 2158.84 1586.37 13293 57.05 2.06 50.64 2.22 1.76 76.89 1.10 719 1749 0.75 43
20 perfect_shot 7.45 2171.44 1542.83 35649 56.68 0.40 39.04 1.51 1.27 86.22 0.92 998 1735 1.27 108
21 Grim_Reaper205 8.53 1853.55 1387.06 10940 56.40 1.33 35.23 1.34 1.20 82.68 0.87 766 1762 1.61 48
22 dododoba 8.01 2018.94 1506.44 27480 56.22 12.08 31.54 1.28 1.27 83.17 0.88 683 1709 1.58 70
23 0315kpk 8.00 1655.14 1355.66 12142 55.91 9.19 35.18 1.29 1.22 78.89 0.83 848 1628 1.43 31
24 Krish_Arun 7.52 1917.44 1431.58 17701 55.76 24.07 35.92 1.44 1.28 86.16 0.92 777 1555 1.30 49
25 GWAK_2015 8.16 1746.18 1339.61 21230 55.51 1.12 34.98 1.27 1.22 84.45 0.82 796 1657 1.33 14
26 kwon5744 8.68 2125.48 1524.64 13582 55.50 5.65 46.66 2.13 1.70 81.71 1.13 683 1890 0.91 24
27 GHQ_Zhen 7.48 2074.49 1484.74 5492 55.24 12.56 32.21 1.38 1.34 81.94 0.94 694 1429 1.45 15
28 AreYouSeriously 8.06 1872.66 1335.45 14276 54.97 0.54 39.56 1.50 1.35 82.92 0.90 844 1608 1.21 44
29 ameimiya 6.91 2044.83 1526.94 15461 54.87 0.11 35.24 1.43 1.34 81.97 0.93 742 1280 1.44 56
30 gordenfreeman 6.87 1969.93 1425.08 9446 54.81 8.85 42.72 1.64 1.34 78.85 0.94 635 1250 0.92 31
31 _Godori_ 7.27 1690.59 1319.53 10770 54.74 2.37 38.90 1.43 1.24 85.97 0.88 665 1242 1.13 19
32 IImmII 9.08 1922.91 1559.54 6974 54.62 14.28 42.01 2.00 1.56 80.49 1.16 924 1994 1.03 10
33 GHQ_CuteWolf 7.75 1712.28 1309.43 11671 52.82 5.86 36.88 1.38 1.24 80.14 0.87 725 1373 1.11 11
34 howish 7.54 1570.33 1231.71 8378 52.32 3.10 31.37 1.00 0.94 80.61 0.69 794 1488 1.19 17
35 GHQ_IhaveGirlfriend 8.67 1567.39 1253.17 12558 50.37 22.30 35.79 1.45 1.17 78.87 0.93 756 1601 0.87 8
36 GHQ_Zwei 7.85 1297.20 1007.53 5248 48.17 19.58 34.89 1.15 1.08 67.17 0.75 548 1213 0.65 7

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