n/aAllBattles n/a%Average Winrate n/aAvg Dmg n/aAvg Tier
About Clan想要入团 1.胜率不能太差 2.平均伤害不能太低 满足这些条件可以入团 Want to join the legion 1.The winning rate cannot be very low 2.The average damage cannot be too small Meet these conditions to join the team

Name Avg Tier WN8 WN7 Battles WinRate% Platoon Rate % Survival % Kills/Death Dmg rate Hit Rate % Kills/Battle Avg XP Avg Dmg Avg Spot
Name Avg Tier WN8 WN7 Battles WinRate% Platoon Rate % Survival % Kills/Death Dmg rate Hit Rate % Kills/Battle Avg XP Avg Dmg Avg Spot
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