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World of Tanks Blitz 戦績データ表示API(アジア鯖限定)
1,003.00総戦闘数 57.43%平均勝率 1,280.00平均ダメ 6.25平均Tier
AboutクランHello! And welcome to my clan! Must follow the Rules 1. (Dont be Toxic) 2. (Dont bully the new or the old Members) 3. (Dont spam) 4. (Dont distract the Player while they were grinding or talking someone) 5. (Dont Chat at the Clan without the Permission *Only the New Member can chat*) (Allies: Only RISKT) [If you are active like you were playing, or new player, If you are new player dont need to ask the Permission, if you are not new player needs thr permission] [If you are inactive or Being inactive for so long, I might kick you if you dont say "im done playing wotb" or "im quit" and also, you have to say something before you quit or stop playing. And Dont join if you have tier 1 to tier 6 to join thie clan not allowed because only tier 7 to tier 10, must grind to get Tier 10.] [If you want to chat ask the Deputy leader or Clan Leader for Permission to Chat this Clan, Only Deputy Leader and Clan Leader can chat]

名前 平均Tier WN8 WN7 戦数 勝率 小隊勝率 生還率 撃破比 ダメ比 命中率 平均撃破 平均EXP 平均ダメ 平均スポ
名前 平均Tier WN8 WN7 戦数 勝率 小隊勝率 生還率 撃破比 ダメ比 命中率 平均撃破 平均EXP 平均ダメ 平均スポ
Rcor_Figure @Rcor_Figure 6.25 2632.65 1647.46 1003 57.43 2.60 46.86 2.37 1.47 85.81 1.26 654 1280 0.85
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