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World of Tanks Blitz 戦績データ表示API(アジア鯖限定)
n/a総戦闘数 n/a%平均勝率 n/a平均ダメ n/a平均Tier
AboutクランNO BRAIN NO PROBLEM JUST JOIN THE CLAN ALWAYS ONLINE AND DON'T FORGET TO FINISH THE CLAN MISSION!!! LEADER WILL KICK YOU OUT IF YOU DON'T FINISH YOUR CLAN MISSION IN UNDER THREE DAY'S IN SECOND DAY OF MISSING OUT CLAN MISSION LEADER WILL GIVE YOU A WARNING And don't forget to make friends here guys don't make enemy :D and make platoon with your clan mates so you can bonding with your clan mate and make them a friend of yours to play WOTB or other game :D and don't be shy to say something in the clan chat just be nice to other members and don't discriminate anyone in the clan :D clan leader would like to play with members that has a tank tier I-X or maybe something in the garage of clan leader that perfect for the tier :D TOGETHER WE MAKE THE CLAN BETTER LET'S BATTLE :D

名前 平均Tier WN8 WN7 戦数 勝率 小隊勝率 生還率 撃破比 ダメ比 命中率 平均撃破 平均EXP 平均ダメ 平均スポ
名前 平均Tier WN8 WN7 戦数 勝率 小隊勝率 生還率 撃破比 ダメ比 命中率 平均撃破 平均EXP 平均ダメ 平均スポ